As CEO, Mr Than Htaik Lwin leads the strategic planning and sets the culture, mission and vision of the Proven Group of Companies.
Mr. Than Htaik Lwin @ Alan
Chief Executive Officer (Group)

Daw Mya Mya Than co-founded Proven Technology Industry Co. Ltd in 1996 together with her late husband, Mr. Ohn Lwin.
Mrs. Mya Mya Than
Co-Founder.Member, Board Of Directors

Mr. Kyaw Nyunt
Senior Advisor

Mr. Aye Ko has over forty years’experience in the production, quality control, and technical development of lead acid batteries
Mr. Aye Ko
Group Production Director

Mr. Myo holds Master Degree in Commerce and Diploma in ESHRM (RV- Singapore) and IFRS (UK).
Mr. Myo Thit Aung
Executive Director
Admin & Accounts

Tint Myo Naing joined Yangon Metal Industry Co., Ltd.as General Manger in 2008 and promoted as Managing Director in 2015
Mr. Tint Myo Naing
Managing Director
Yangon Metal Industry Co., Ltd.

Mr. Aung Aung Lwin
Executive Director (Procurement)
Yangon Mental Industry Co.,Ltd.

Mr. Chia Tieng Yong is a Director in Polyworld Sdn Bhd, Malaysia. Previously part of the cost management team at Sony EMCS Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
Mr. Chia Tieng Yong
Executive Director
Technical & Production
Proven Polyworld Co., Ltd.

Following his graduation with a bachelor degree in Business Administration from Baruch College, City University of New York
Mr. Aung Thu Si
Managing Director
Proven International Co., Ltd.

Mr. Myo Min Tun holds a Bachelor of Science major in Physics and a Diploma in Business Law (DBL) from the University of Yangon.
Mr. Myo Min Tun
Executive Director
Sales & Administration
Proven International Co., Ltd.

U Zaw Myo Myint @ Andy is a Director of Proven Technology Industry Co. Ltd.
Mr. Zaw Myo Myint @ Andy
Board Of Director
Progressive Venture Global Pte.,Ltd.

(Established 2017)
Mr Than Htaik Lwin @ Alan
Managing Director
Mr Tien Yong Chai
Executive Director (Technical)